Lake Charles, LA
February, 2021
In response to Hurricanes Laura & Delta
Our Calvary Relief team deployed to Lake Charles, LA on Feb 14th - 22nd, 2021 to minister to the many people still devastated from the two hurricanes that hit the area last fall. The team got there just in time for a major ice storm that hit that Sun. night. They woke up a solid sheet of ice covering the parking lot and all the streets. In Louisiana, there are no snow plows or sand trucks, so needless to say, they were not able to go out that day. On Tues. morning it was freezing cold (about 10 degrees) and still very icy but they managed to get out and help six homeowners with clearing downed trees and debris. On Wed., it was pouring rain and freezing, but they bundled up and went out showing the love of Jesus in spite of the weather - the good news is that because they ventured out that morning, one of the homeowners accepted to the Lord - Praise God!!!
Samaritan's Purse asked for volunteers to stay a little longer to finish up work orders there - because a storm was heading to NJ, our Calvary Relief team was able to change their flights (at no extra cost) and stay until Monday - God knew they were supposed to stay & had more work for them to do - that day two more people accepted the Lord!!! What a blessing! Jesus is truly in the midst of all this, and He opens our eyes to His power and love as we step out in faith to be used by Him.