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Englewood Deployment

Nov. 6th - 12th, 2022

Our Calvary Relief team of 11 was in Englewood, FL Nov. 6th thru 12th, 2022 serving with Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team - it was an amazing trip!  God continues to use these tragedies to draw people closer to Him and uses us to be His hands and feet to show them His love and hope in the midst of such great turmoil and trauma.


We spent the week serving in a mobile home park which looked like a bomb had hit it.  Some of the homes were still standing and we did what we could to salvage their places and give them hope in getting it rebuilt (or at least livable). 



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One couple came to dinner with us one night and expressed how much it meant to them for us to just be there for them.  That night, Josh, our CCOB Worship leader, led worship outside under the full moon, and they joined us.  Afterward, he told us that we "made his night" - he said "we needed that and we needed to smile, laugh and love" and they couldn't thank us enough.  

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Each time we finish a job, we present the homeowner with a beautiful, leather-bound Bible inscribed with each of our signatures and words of encouragement.  So many of those homeowners were in tears as they clung to their newly-presented Bibles - they couldn't believe we were there for them.  We know God had sent us to each one of them!  What a blessing to be used by Him in this way.

Samaritan’s Purse had three sites set up in Florida helping those devastated by Hurricane Ian - in Ft. Myers, Englewood, and Punta Gorda. Our Calvary Relief team had the opportunity to serve at each of these sites. There were special "God-moments", several divine appointments and many started a new life with Christ.  Praise & glory goes to God!

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